UoN don crowned with MBS in fight against COVID-19
Dr. Loice Ombajo, a senior lecturer at the University of Nairobi (UoN) was awarded State commendation by President Uhuru Kenyatta during this year’s Jamhuri Day celebrations in Nairobi.
Dr. Ombajo was awarded Moran of the Order of the Burning Spear (MBS) for her dedicated public service and sacrifice in the fight against COVID-19 in Kenya.
In March this year, Dr. Ombajo was appointed as a member of the National COVID-19 task force where she has provided exemplary case management in the country through development of guidelines, training of health care workers through a weekly webinar and consulted by health care workers from all over the country to advise on patient care and public health measures.
She is also a member of the COVID-19 Education task force advising on development of school re-opening protocols.
Dr. Ombajo who also heads the Infectious Disease Unit at the Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) was at the forefront in the establishment of the COVID-19 treatment units at Mbagathi and KNH.
While receiving the award, the jubilant doctor said she felt so blessed by the recognition and dedicated the award to all healthcare workers for their service during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I feel like this is the moment when God blesses his people. The moment your God uplifts you and makes your spirit feel at peace for what I have done and what my team has done. It is a great honour that is not just for me but represents hundreds and thousands of healthcare workers who have been working very hard during this season to try and offer Kenyans some help.
“I dedicate this award to many healthcare workers and to our families who have supported us during this season. We are greatly honoured and grateful,” Dr. Ombajo said.
During this year’s Madaraka Day celebrations, Dr. Ombajo, Prof. Omu Anzala and Dr. Marybeth Maritim were feted with the Uzalendo Award by President Uhuru Kenyatta.
The trio were recognized for their outstanding service in helping the country steer through the Covid-19 pandemic.