Higher Doctorate Degrees
Those eligible for the award of a Higher Doctorate of the University of Nairobi must among other requirements be holders of the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Medicine degree of the University of Nairobi or the Doctor of Philosophy degree from any other recognized university of at least five years standing.
The Common Regulations for Higher Doctorates of the University of Nairobi other than Honorary Degrees are set out in the University Calendar. The Higher Doctorate, the regulations stipulate, shall only be awarded for the original published work such as would give a candidate authoritative international standing in his/her particular field of research.
The application must be based wholly or substantially on original work of distinction carried out by the candidate. The term ‘‘published’’ shall mean printed in a referred journal, book or monograph which shall have been made available to the public.
The submitted works by the candidate is assessed by an Evaluation Panel comprising;
Chairman of Senate
Deputy Vice- Chancellors
Principal of the relevant College
Dean of the relevant Faculty
Director, Board of Postgraduate Studies
Three Senior University Scholars- one of whom shall be from the relevant discipline and appointed by the Senate
Not more than three members may be co-opted by Senate where appropriate
Academic Registrar
A thesis for the Higher Doctorate degree shall be defended before a public audience provided that while members of the public shall be free to ask the candidate questions relevant to the subject of his/her thesis, only the Panel Examiners, shall participate in the final assessment of the thesis and the candidate’s performance in defense of the same. To date, the University of Nairobi has awarded 5 Higher Doctorate Degrees.
Friday, December 20, 2019 
September 14, 2018

Degree Of Doctor Of Science of the University Of Nairobi
September 4, 2015
December 6, 2013

Degree Of Doctor Of Science (DSC) of the University of Nairobi
October 23, 2013
October 17, 2008